Friday, October 3, 2008

What The...!?!

More evidence that the planet we live on is Bizarro World:

On the real earth the overwhelming news would be that Sarah Palin rattled off memorized fake facts and was unable to muster even a single moment of spontaneity. She was unable to answer the questions presented to her and instead chose to speed through the script she memorized over the last five weeks.

On real earth Joe Biden would be the clear winner and Sarah Palin would be clearly seen as a power hungry former sportscaster who now believes that the U.S. Constitution gives the Vice President great and unnamed powers.

As far as all the compliments on her presentation, I can only answer with what two images came to mind as I watched her throughout the debate.

She looked like my Beagle/Rat Terrier mix, Molly, after she pees on the bed.
She looked scared, guilty and vacant in the eyes.
Her vocal delivery was exactly that of an inexperienced or underprepared actor during a rehearsal of a play on the first night she's supposed to be offbook. She sped through the words for fear that if she slowed down to think about them, she'd forget them. There was absolutely know true personal ownership. They came across as predetermined readings with no comprehension of what she was actually saying.
The amazing thing is that even with all this memorized text, she still managed to speak at least twelve major pieces of misinformation (I'd say lies but I believe you have to know they're lies and I don't think she does), including that Obama claimed we were bombing civilians in Afghanistan and that U.S. Civil War Union general, McLellan who she seems to think is leading our troops in that country believes that a surge strategy would work there. The truth is that neither the deceased general nor the actual general, McKiernan believe such a thing.

In short, she was fake.
But fake seems to be what Bizarro Americans want.

In the end, it doesn't matter what the facts are here in Bizarro World. It's only important that Sarah Palin is pretty, new, and ... well that's about it.

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