Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Let's Make a Deal

Tell you what, George. Let's increase to full production all those existing offshore platforms--that includes the ones that just sit out there dormant and only produce when the price of gas is high and then immediately shut down when the price starts to lower even a little bit.

If the supply of oil is still dangerously low and expensive according to independent investigative groups, and if they continue to produce at full capacity even after supplies rise and prices come down, then we'll talk about building more platforms.

More platforms, which by the way, probably won't have an effect on oil supplies for five to ten years.

On second thought, wouldn't it be better to invest in research in renewable energy sources during that time instead?

Oh, I forgot, if you did that a great number of your post-presidency income would dry up because the oil companies would be less inclined to put you on their boards and pay your huge lecture fees.


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